Botulinum Toxin (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin): All of Your Questions Answered

Working in a spa setting, I was introduced to Botox in my twenties. I know, I know….it sounds so young! But due to my wonderful genetics, I have massive forehead wrinkles. I figured why not try it out and see what it could do for me. Well let me tell you, it was love at first sight. Sort of .

The very first time I got injectables, I got Botox. It was strong! It completely froze my whole forehead. Which was good, and bad. I had no movement at all!! The good thing was, my lines softened and almost completely disappeared. The bad news was that it lowered my eyebrows just a smidge.

The next time I went in for the treatment, my plastic surgeon used Xeomin. I told him how I felt about my eyebrows and he used less. This time I was able to slightly lift my eyebrows. Of course once I became pregnant all of my Botox and Xeomin days were put on hold.

Now that Ryker is two, I felt like it was time to revisit the lines on my forehead (not to mention my crows feet and elevens …getting old sucks)!

I headed to the Plastic Surgery of Shorts Hills and met with Dr. Ovchinsky to discuss the options for softening my lines and wrinkles. He suggested Dysport this time around. I made the appointment and couldn’t wait to try it out!

So what exactly is botulinum toxin? Taken from Dr. Ovchinsky’s website:

Botulinum Toxin Cosmetic is commonly used to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles. Using a tiny needle, it is injected under the skin into the muscles that form wrinkles in the forehead, upper bridge of the nose, around the eyes and mouth, and neck to smooth frown and worry lines, crow’s feet and neck bands. Excessive chin dimpling may also be improved with Botulinum Toxin treatment into the area.


Made from a purified protein, Botulinum Toxin blocks nerve impulses thus weakening muscles that form wrinkles and giving the face a rejuvenated look.

Botulinum Toxin may also be useful for migraine headaches, excessive sweating, and muscle spasms.

The whole treatment took less than 15 minutes. However, they did numb me beforehand which added some extra time. The assistant applied a topical numbing cream on my forehead and areas to be treated. This helped to ease any discomfort that may have occurred. Mind you, the needles are super tiny, and numbing cream is optional.

Dr. Ovchinsky was very friendly and professional. I explained to him my concerns and the “look” I was going for. I still wanted a tiny bit of movement above my eyebrows to avoid them from dropping. He also mentioned my eyebrows were a tad bit asymmetrical which he wanted to help even out.

He started his magic, and within minutes the procedure was over. During the treatment, I put up a question box on my instagram so that we could answer any questions you had. Straight from Dr. Ovchinsky, here are all of the answers!

  1. How long does it last? Typically it will last 3-4 months.

  2. When should you start Botulinum Toxin? What are some of the signs? A lot of people start before they see an appearance of their first wrinkle. most patients use it as a preventative. However if you are beginning to age it will soften lines and wrinkles.

  3. What are the different types of Botulinum Toxin? At Plastic Surgery Short Hills, we have used all different types of products over the years. Available brands are Botox, Xeomin, Dysport, and Jeuveau.

  4. How often do you have to get it done? Most patients come back every 3-4 months.

  5. Does it hurt? Tiny. needles are used for the injections so there is minimal discomfort. However, at our office we apply a numbing cream on the skin prior to injection.

  6. Can I even out my uneven eyebrow heights on my face? Yes, this treatment can most definitely help with that.

  7. Is it just preventative or will it actually make the wrinkles look less obvious? It is preventative, but yes it will make your wrinkles look less obvious as it softens them.

  8. Will I look older if I stop after I start? The wrinkles will come back if you stop using botulinum toxin, however due to the preventative nature wrinkles should be softer. With time if left untreated they will become more prominent.

  9. How does it work? Botulinum toxin is used to treat and prevent wrinkles in adults. The injections are non invasive and help to reduce the appearance of find lines and wrinkles by relaxing the underlying muscles beneath the skin, which makes the skin above smoother.

  10. When should you start? Botulin toxin is approved for patients who are 18 years and older and most experts agree that patients in their mid to late 20s and early 30s are at a good age for preventative treatments.

  11. How long does it take to start seeing results? 2-3 days. Optimal results 7-10 days.

  12. How much do you recommend each visit? It varies by individual but at our practice most individuals get 3 areas treated; forehead, between the eyes, and crows feet.

  13. How much does it cost? Call 973.379.0101 for pricing.

After the treatment, Dr. Ovchinsky told me I couldn’t lay down for 2 hours. Other than that, there was no downtime! The results: exactly as stated. Within 2 days my movement began to decrease. By day 7, it was in full effect. It has been a little over a week , and my forehead lines have softened drastically! My elevens are non existent and my crows feet are softening too! My eyebrows are lifted and look better than ever. I recently got compliments on them!

If you are contemplating whether or not this treatment is for you, set up a consultation. But from personal experience I 100% recommend this procedure. You will never look back!



A huge thanks to Dr. Ovchinsky and the Plastic Surgery of Short Hills. Once again your practice, employees, and treatments exceed expectations! If you have any questions please leave a comment below or contact me directly!