Covid19 : The Silver Lining

It is safe to say that we are living though really scary and surreal times. Weeks ago, I remember thinking that this whole Corona Virus epidemic was a joke. “It’s like the flu” everyone kept saying. My Mother was one of the only people who took the mention of the virus extremely serious. I didn’t…until now.

There are so many negatives that we can focus on…people getting sick, people dying, people losing jobs, the cancellations of vacations (mine included). I know a majority of people are sacred and anxious.

But for me…there are a lot of positives that can come from this. I know that my situation is probably more unique than most. If you have ever read my blogs before, you know that my husband travels a ton for work which leaves Ryker and I alone more than half of the time. But now, Jay has been ordered to work from home. This is honestly some of the BEST news that I could have received. Is it horrible that I am secretly loving this quarantine. I am loving that my husband is home with us…that we have breakfast and dinner together. That every night, Jay can read with us, and sing songs with us, and put Ryker to bed. I secretly love that we get to snuggle up on the couch together every night.

For some…this might sound like a normal everyday occurrence. But for me, this isn’t the norm. For me, this is the family life that I yearn for all the time. For a lot, this epidemic is forcing families together. It is forcing us to bring family values back to the forefront. It is forcing us to play more, to laugh more, to converse more…to just be together more.


We aren't as distracted by plans, by work trips, by gym trips and shopping trips. What we have is home. And isn’t that all we really need in life? It dawned on me today (minus our technology) isn’t this like going back to a simpler time. A time without hair appointments and nail appointments. Full disclosure I have no lash extensions left, and there is nothing I can do about it. We are going back to a time when we spent most of our energies on our nuclear family - when we took walks together, and we came up with creative games, and we cooked meals at home. It’s a time where we can make sure our home is in order and organized. It’s a time where we can still care for others and spread kindness, but we also can do our part to make sure humanity is safe as a whole.

And what have I noticed throughout all of this? My family is a much happier family. My husband is lighter - he is less stressed. He smiles more, and he laughs more. We dance in the kitchen more. We sing together more. Ryker has both of his parents here all day long and he loves it. He runs around and screams out for Dada to play and he cuddles on the couch with me. This is all I have ever wanted. I am a much happier Mom and wife. I feel guilty that it comes as the expense of others, and that there are a lot of people struggling. But through darkness, there will always come a light that shines through.

Stay positive. Try to focus on the good. Try to embrace the extra time you have with loved ones. Try to finish that project you have been wanting to work on. Workout! There are so many good workouts you can do from home, and apps that guide you through it! That book sitting on your nightstand? Pick it up. Do some self care - meditate, take a bath, give yourself a mini facial. This too shall pass, and we will all be back to our hectic crazy lives in no time.

As for me…do I get a little stir crazy sometimes?? Of course - I have to figure out what to do with an energetic little boy every. single. day! But in all honesty, I am dreading the day this quarantine ends and my husband is off again. I would give up my lash extensions, and my trips to DSW and our dinner dates to have my family happy and healthy together.



A huge thanks to all of the health care workers putting themselves at risk every single day to care for all of us. Without you, we would be lost. Sending out positive love and light to all of those who have lost someone, or who have experienced hardships throughout this epidemic.